Soheila Esfahani - A Trace of Traceless: Toronto, 2016

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4a - Soheila Esfahani A Trace of Traceless-Toronto copy.jpg

Soheila Esfahani - A Trace of Traceless: Toronto, 2016



8” x 6”

Acrylic & laser-etching on found object on wooden panel

Soheila Esfahani’s practice questions displacement, dissemination, and reinsertion of culture by re-contextualizing culturally specific ornamentation and various collected souvenir type objects. She navigates the terrains of cultural translation by exploring ornamentation as a form of “portable culture” that can be carried across cultures and nations. Her work aims to destabilize the origin of culture and reconstruct Homi Bhabha’s “the third space of in-betweeness”: a site of cultural translation, where locations of cultures are negotiated and new narratives are adapted and hybridized. In this work, Esfahani simultaneously emphasizes and disrupts familiar collected objects in order to dissolve traditional boundaries between cultures.

Please note that pickup or shipping (and shipping costs), for artwork purchases, is to be arranged with the individual artists.

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