Quasi Objects, 2019
Fish Factory Creative Centre
Dimensions variable
Photograph of earthwork

Quasi Objects (detail), 2019
Fish Factory Creative Centre
Dimensions variable
Photograph of earthwork

Quasi Objects (detail), 2019
Fish Factory Creative Centre
Dimensions variable
Photograph of earthwork

Daylighting (without you I would be lost), 2019
Nuit Blanche
Animated projection
Animation: Hajar Moradi - VIVIDO Studio
Technician lead: Andrew Rose - Apex Sound & Light
100’ x 15’

Daylighting (without you I would be lost) (detail), 2019
Nuit Blanche
Animated projection
Animation: Hajar Moradi - VIVIDO Studio
Technician lead: Andrew Rose - Apex Sound & Light
100’ x 15’

The Faraway Nearby, 2018
Ontario Place Winter Lights Festival
Concrete, plywood, plexiglass
Dimensions variable

The Faraway Nearby, 2018
Ontario Place Winter Lights Festival
Concrete, plywood, plexiglass
Dimensions variable

Acoustic Ecology I, 2019
Oeno Gallery
Aluminum, steel, and paint
20’ x 20’ x 12’

Acoustic Ecology I (detail), 2019
Oeno Gallery
Aluminum, steel, and paint
20’ x 20’ x 12’

Cartesian Landmark, 2016
Franconia Sculpture Park
Charred pine and mulch
10’ x 10’ x 5’

Cartesian Landmark (detail), 2016
Franconia Sculpture Park
Charred pine and mulch
10’ x 10’ x 5’

Cartesian Landmark (detail), 2016
Franconia Sculpture Park
Charred pine and mulch
10’ x 10’ x 5’

To Love You Deeply I Look To My Mind’s Eye
Nuit Blanche, 2015
Solar-powered LED string lights

Cyanotype Impression, 2017
Gardiner Museum
Cyanotype prints and pine
4’ x 3’ x 5.5’

All You Ever Wanted, 2013
Recycled polystyrene, resin, wood
24’ x 3’ x 1.5’
Christine Dewancker
Christine Dewancker is an artist currently living in Toronto, Canada. Through her work she explores the physical and psychological effects of the spaces we occupy and how the built environment informs our experiences and relationships with each other. She is interested in systems of production and circulation and how these conditions influence our relationship to materials and place. Much of her work is site specific, responding to the environment in which it is situated and is informed by the historical, socio-economic and ecological conditions that produce the places we inhabit.
For more information visit: christinedewancker.com