all the women
magazine photo fragment collage on cradled board with back-painted glass
25" x 31"
all the love
magazine photo fragment collage and acrylic on cradled board
12" x 16"
AUGUST 22 TO 26, 2017
CLOSING RECEPTION: Saturday August 26, 1- 5 PM
Alternative Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 11AM - 6 PM
The Red Head Gallery is pleased to present as part of their summer rental exhibitions All the Air in the Room, an exhibition by artist Cate McGuire.
The experience of being in a chair, in a room, in a building and feeling comfort and safety is a special kind of beauty. Aspects of shelter and security that many of us find comfort in we may also take for granted.
Something is around the corner.
A piece of fabric moves in a window.
The curtains part to reveal a room.
There is a sheet winding through.
Trust your intuition.
We navigate through currents – something in the wind. Much of our lives are lived in our own heads. So much of what we spend time thinking about is directed by outside forces through other people or various media sources. Sometimes we need to take control of this and to make sense of it in our own way.
This work is unnatural and staged. Use of the disjointed nature of collage along with various framing devices creates images that are familiar, but also graphic, like road signs, or melodramatic, like a book jacket design or a poster.
Overall, in the work, there is the feeling of something implied, but not said, something there, but not.
Cate McGuire is a visual artist who uses various media to build spaces that mimic both the natural and the built world we live in. Her goal is to provoke reflection and to spark cultural memory by re-animating existing images. She has a varied and extensive background in art and design, including a bachelor of fine arts degree from Concordia and a post-graduate degree of architecture from UBC.
McGuire has shown her work at various venues including a solo show last summer at the Red Head Gallery, as well as the Artist Project, Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, Elora Centre for the Arts, the Gladstone Hotel, and the Latcham Gallery.